Project Micro Frontend

Micro frontends is an architectural style where a large frontend application is split into smaller, independent sections. Each section is developed, deployed, and maintained separately, allowing different teams to work on different parts of the frontend. This approach improves scalability, flexibility, and makes it easier to update or replace individual parts without affecting the whole system.

Let me describe what I did.

In this React app, the Projects component is exposed using Vite Plugin Federation:

return {
    plugins: [
        name: "remote_projects",
        filename: "remoteEntry.js",
        exposes: {
          "./Projects": "./src/components/Projects",
        shared: ["react", "react-dom"],
    preview: {
      port: env.VITE_PREVIEW_PORT,
    server: {
      port: env.VITE_DEV_PORT,
    build: {
      modulePreload: false,
      target: "esnext",
      minify: false,
      cssCodeSplit: false,

This configuration is for the remote React application that exposes the Projects component.

For the main React application, we configure it to load the Projects component from the remote app:

return {
    plugins: [
        name: "portfolio",
        remotes: {
          remoteProjects: `${env.VITE_PROJECTS_HOST}/assets/remoteEntry.js`,
        shared: ["react", "react-dom"],
    preview: {
      port: env.VITE_PREVIEW_PORT,
    server: {
      port: env.VITE_DEV_PORT,
    build: {
      modulePreload: false,
      target: "esnext",
      minify: false,
      cssCodeSplit: false,

In this setup, the main app renders the Projects component from remoteProjects, which is defined in the Vite configuration. This means that the Projects component is loaded from another React application.

const Projects = React.lazy(() => import("remoteProjects/Projects"));

function App() {
  return (
      <NavBar />
      <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton />}>
            <SomethingWentWrong message="Projects Micro Frontend Team might be on a Vacation" />
          <Projects />

This code leverages React.lazy for code-splitting and Suspense for loading the remote Projects component, with an ErrorBoundary to handle errors gracefully.

🚀 Check out this simple app implementing the micro frontend concept: Visit Project 🌐

micro frontendreactvitevite federation
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